Appreciation Or Dedication (What a guy needed)

2 min readFeb 27, 2024


Whatever people do, do they do it for appreciation from loved ones, society or anyone else?

Now, Those who achieved something Extra-Ordinary in Life, did they achieve it because they are doing it Heartfully and are in the state of deep-work OR just to get appreciation from someone?

We will simply say its because of Heartfullness and Deep work.

But my question is, why will a first standard will make effort to get good grades? Its because of his Love towards studies or he attended some events where Toppers were appreciated and parents define good marks like that for him?

Same question is, why someone earns more money or have urge for more money after he can comfortable live with happiness with his current balance? It because of his experience of “Getting more Appreciation to someone who has more than him” and society define more money as a parameter for respect, power or from whatever he will feel appreciated.

When I am talking about these questions, I am talking about subconcious mind where we really decide things.

Does Current society system is using Appreciation as a tool to influence in correct ways?

Now, final question become why some people does some work without appreciation of any kind?

Ex:- Philanthropist(real) giving money, People cleaning Beaches and mountains while they haven’t even made it dirtier.

The answer is People’s devotion to their mission they really think they are build for or the one which is worth accomplishing.

So, Work for Appreciation will not lead to achieve Extra-Ordinary things and .

Therefore, we really need to check what we are really appreciating. Because heart of kind people will always appreciate as they can see good in it.

So, whole point of this article is to Become dedicated and open for appreciation.

PS:- Appreciation and Dedication share very common aspects. I am still brainstorming about it.

Writing it while boarded the train from Dehradun after done my 1st trek cause my brain just juice some hormone name Serotonin, i.e, Nag Tibba, Hahaha flexing :)

